03 February 2008

Just the sort who need the extra help

The UK has now effectively legalized polygyny by ruling that husbands on the dole can collect additional benefits for additional wives, as long as they married outside of the UK. So, actually, it’s been legalized for indigent immigrants. The natives and the workers are just out of luck on that.

Via Jammie Wearing Fool.

Posted by orbital at 5:15 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

My opinions are facts because I'm a journalist

NRO notes another example of the bubble world of Old Media. A New York Times writer makes some near moonbat statements, and the public editor defends them by quoting the writer who claims that these are the sort of “facts” that would be fine for a straight news story. Worth reading to get an idea of what the NY Times considers straight reporting.

Posted by orbital at 4:36 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

Public Service Announcement

The Media Violence Project — it’s time to put a stop to the swath of destruction.

Posted by orbital at 4:29 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

And probably still proud of his resolve

The Tet Offensive was a desperate ploy by the Communist enemy in Vietnam. Tens of thousands of his troops were flung simultaneously at more than 100 South Vietnamese towns, and into the heart of Saigon. The Communists announced a general uprising, but that did not occur. The tide was actually turned within a few days by the U.S. and South Vietnamese armies. As they re-took town after town, they discovered massacres the Communists had committed while in possession. The enemy’s real object had been to decapitate a whole society.

My friend, Uwe Siemon-Netto, a German Lutheran pastor and also life-long journalist, was there as a reporter. Entering Hué as the smoke was clearing: “I made my way to university apartments to obtain news about friends of mine, German professors at the medical school. I learned that their names had been on lists containing some 1,800 Hué residents singled out for liquidation.

“Six weeks later the bodies of doctors Alois Altekoester, Raimund Discher, Horst-Guenther Krainick, and Krainick’s wife, Elisabeth, were found in shallow graves they had been made to dig for themselves.

“Then, enormous mass graves of women and children were found. Most had been clubbed to death, some buried alive; you could tell from the beautifully manicured hands of women who had tried to claw out of their burial place.

“As we stood at one such site, Washington Post correspondent Peter Braestrup asked an American TV cameraman, ‘Why don’t you film this?’ He answered, ‘I am not here to spread anti-communist propaganda’.â€?

David Warren, via Brothers Judd

I am still trying to discover some aspect in which Old Media differs materially from an enemy propaganda organization.

Posted by orbital at 3:18 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL