14 October 2007

Eminence Front

Let us have no illusions as to the political bias of Google as it bans the display of adds hostile to MoveOn. Google is still afraid to openly admit it, though, offering up some totally lame and easily debunked claim about “trademark infringement”. Does even Google find its ideology so repugnant that it won’t admit having it in public?

Posted by orbital at 7:19 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

The fewer the facts, the easier the spin

Columbia University Teachers College said it would hand over surveillance video to police that could show who left a noose hanging on a black professor’s office after, police say, the school’s officials initially refused to cooperate.

I guess the University thought it would be better not knowing who the actual perpetrator was until the public attention was too much.


Posted by orbital at 7:16 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL