17 September 2007

Those belong to us

The Locke High School charter conversion petition was approved by the LAUSD board of education at around 2:30 on Tuesday afternoon. The vote will allow Steve Barr’s Green Dot charter group to take over the troubled and low-performing high school, and break it up into five or six smaller schools. It is the first time a non-district group will run an LAUSD school.

Noteworthy is that a majority of the teachers approved the conversion. But the most telling statement came from an opponent —

“If you want to make money, you become a charter school operator,â€? [board member Julie] Korenstein says with a wave of her highly manicured hands. “I’m appalled at this new board that’s willing to say, “Give the children away.’ “

“Give the children away”. Transfer ownership away from the school district. It’s basically theft, isn’t it? How dare those parents take away what is rightfully school district property!


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