14 May 2007


Zimbabwe is to be appointed to head the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. Well, I guess if everyone’s dead, it’s easy to sustain them.

Best comment is from Australian Prime Minister John Howard

On Insiders this morning, referring to the Zimbabwe appointment to the UN, [ABC host Barrie] Cassidy asked Howard, “What does that say about Mugabe?�

Howard’s instant response: “You should be asking what does that say about the UN.

Posted by orbital at 9:58 AM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

The real crime

[source, source, source]

[Mohamad al-Janabi, a reputed al-Qaeda member] added: “I can assure you that we will start pressuring Bush in a new way at the same time he is facing pressures from the Democrats and the American people. And there will be no problem to sacrifice 10 soldiers in order to abduct a single American soldier and get him on television screens begging for us to release him.”

Notice Al Qaeda is not pressuring us to stay, which is odd, because I keep being told that Al Qaeda loves having American troops in Iraq and Bush is “playing right into their hands.”


Question: Would these tapes be considered a “coordinated” media buy for the Democrats under McCain-Feingold? Will the FEC investigate?

I would love to see that as part of a GOP campaign advertisement — don’t focus on the Al Qaeda / Democratic Party axis per se, but on how that violates campaign finance reform. Perhaps that would even cause President Bush to speak out against it!

Posted by orbital at 9:47 AM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL