07 September 2006

Ambulance chasing

The controversy over the ‘Ambulance Incident’ in the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

I won’t go with “open and shut” on the faked side. I will say, strongly, that Zombie has by far the stronger weight of evidence. It’s striking that most of the attempted refutations by Old Media end up making Zombie’s case better, not weaker (such as the constantly changing story of the actual attack).

I especially liked Tim Blair’s recounting of the story as reported by Martin Chulov of The Australian in which this ace reporter, entrusted with verifying the story, manages to not notice that the confirmation contradicts the original story in many significant details. That’s not mendacity — if Chulov were really part of a hoax, wouldn’t he still notice that discrepancy and cover it up? There is really only one undeniable conclusion one can draw and it’s that Chulov is not suffering from malice.

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