03 June 2006

Perhaps you should ban the word while you're at it

[source, source]

IN the run-up to the football World Cup, spoilsport New Prospect bosses have banned workers from flying England flags.

A letter has been sent from assistant director of property services John Rule, telling managers to instruct staff that maintenance workers using New Prospect’s fleet must not fly any “unauthorised accessories, namely the flag of St George”.

The letter goes on to add that while “those amongst us who support the England football team in the forthcoming World Cup wish the team every success,” the flags were inappropriate and “can seriously compromise the health and safety of our own employees and members of the public”.

The draconian line taken by New Prospect — in charge of Salford City Council’s stock of 27,000 council homes — has infuriated workers who simply want to demonstrate their support for the national team.

If flying the flag of England in England upsets people living in England, then I would have a problem that won’t be solved by not flying that flag.

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