11 April 2006

You can depend on the Palestinians

[source, source]

Nofal is one of many Palestinians feeling the pinch of an economic boycott of the Hamas-run Palestinian Authority (PA), as a cutoff in ties by the US, Europe, and Israel touches off a financial crisis that could snowball. Already retailers won’t accept credit from public servants out of concern they will never be repaid, lines are growing at some gas pumps amid a shortage of fuel, and a top Israeli bank said it will no longer work with Palestinian counterparts.

“The situation is deteriorating in a dramatic and tragic way,” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told reporters Tuesday.

One could be hopeful that the Palestinians will realize that there is a heavy price to pay for electing a violent gang of thugs with a policy of aggression and ethnic cleansing. Or they could decide it’s another Zionist plot and the only solution is to redouble their efforts to destroy the Zionist Entity. I know which one I would bet on.

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