28 November 2005

Battered nation syndrome

[source, source]

BRUSSELS unveiled detailed proposals yesterday that would for the first time create a body of pan-European criminal law and force member states to punish citizens who transgress it. […]

The highly controversial announcement, made possible by a European Court of Justice ruling in September, would represent a huge transfer of power from national capitals to the EU. At present member states jealously guard their right to decide what constitutes a criminal offence, and when their citizens should be fined, imprisoned or given criminal records. […]

The announcement is strongly opposed by Britain and many other member states. The Commission is using powers granted by the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, the EU’s supreme court, and governments fear that there is little they can do to prevent it.

That’s just pathetic. It’s like your idiot friend who being driven in to bankruptcy because of a domineering, extravagant spouse. You ask why and the only reply is “There’s nothing I can do”. But at least your friend doesn’t pretend to be an world power who, by the way, is taken to the cleaners on a regular basis by a two bit hustler.

Posted by orbital at 12:51 AM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

Technical difficulties

Yes, the weblog broke down last week sometime, but I was off planet and unable to effect repairs. But I’m back and the weblog’s back and maybe I’ll have a bit of time to write.

Posted by orbital at 12:44 AM | View 1 Comments | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

There's more than one way to shape the masses

Orrin Judd claims that “there’s only one way to purge excess young men” with regard to the coming gender imbalance in China. Well, perhaps the latest news about disasters in Chinese mines indicates that Communism has found an alternative solution, in its typical fashion.

Posted by orbital at 12:42 AM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL