26 October 2005

Oh, Canada!

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Large increases in health-related spending have only marginally reduced the waiting times for medical services in this country [Canada] from record-high levels in 2004, a new report says. […]

Dr. Brian Postl, the Winnipeg health administrator who acts as the federal government’s wait times advisor, said the Fraser Institute results confirm what most Canadians know: It often takes too long to get medical care.

But he said it is unrealistic to expect the new infusion of cash from the federal government to bring tangible results yet.

“The money has only been entering the system in the last few months in most jurisdictions,” Dr. Postl said. “Though each province has some considerable success story to tell about how things have improved, a lot of that wouldn’t have filtered down to physicians’ practices.”

Can there be any better illustration of the modern bureaucratic mentality than that Dr. Postl offers his undoubtedly correct explanation confident it will be greeted with understanding rather than rage.

But of course the bureaucrats can have this world view only because the citizenry does as well.

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