26 July 2005

Oh, Canada!

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The funny part:

Carolyn Parrish, the former Liberal MP who stomped on a doll bearing the likeness of U.S. President George W. Bush and was kicked out of caucus for her anti-American statements, is negotiating with senior officials in the Prime Minister’s Office and the party to return to the Liberal fold.

The pathetic part:

True to form, Ms. Parrish couldn’t resist a little demonstration of her outspokenness in yesterday’s interview, criticizing Canada’s new Chief of the Defence Staff, General Rick Hillier, for his recent comments. She called him “dangerous” and a “testosterone-filled general,” and added that “somebody should put a clamp on his mouth.”

Ms. Parrish, a self-described “peacenik,” said she was particularly offended by Gen. Hillier’s aggressive comments this month that the job of Canadian soldiers is “to be able to kill people.”

He had been speaking to reporters about the Canadian troop deployment to Kandahar, where the troops will target terrorist “murderers and scumbags.”

“They talk about me being outspoken,” she said. “I’m speaking on my own behalf. This man is purporting to speak on behalf of the government, and I think he’s dangerous.

“I’m totally offended by him. .…. We are also not a country that is going to easily throw away 100 years of peacekeeping reputation and noble reputation in the world by a testosterone-filled general, and I think somebody should put a clamp on his mouth.”

She has complained to Defence Minister Bill Graham about the general’s comments.

Where to begin? Does Canada’s “100 years of peacekeeping reputation” include our participation in WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Gulf War I and the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan? Like many on her side of the aisle, Parrish displays, again, her nearly complete historical illiteracy. Which, of course, makes her a perfect match for a party headed by a PM who thinks we stormed the beaches of Norway on D-Day and a former Defence Minister who can’t quite grasp the difference between Vimy Ridge and Vichy France.

That’s the same thing that always strikes me, that moonbats like this can make such easily refuted statements. Of course, if they had some grasp on reality they’d not be moonbats, would they?

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