10 February 2005

See, the problem was the lack of multi-lateral coordinating committees

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The new Secretary of State is reportedly pursuing a proposal to raise money for danegeld, er, that is, a pension fund for jihad terrorists who promise to stop murdering people. Israel National News states that Rice “has proposed a $100 monthly allowance to terrorists who agree to lay down their arms and retire or find another profession. The money would be part of a $350 million package deal announced by U.S. President George Bush this past week.

I have to agree that this would be a stupid plan even for the typical State Department appeaser. Even if poverty were the cause of terrorism (which it’s not), welfare programs have proven to not be a solution to poverty. One must also wonder what Rice thinks of all of those Islamic immigrants in Europe living on the dole and supporting jihad.

Posted by orbital at 9:28 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

Sometimes the simplest plan is best

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The Defense Department’s new personnel rules will jettison parts of a civil service system that for decades have meant steady pay increases for civilian workers and several layers of protection against arbitrary firings or discipline, according to a Pentagon briefing for Congress yesterday.

All you need to do is put the new system to a vote of civil servants and then fire the ones who vote “no.” Then you don’t even need to implement the new system.

— David Cohen

Posted by orbital at 11:36 AM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL