23 October 2004

The truth about Iraq

Many people thought that President Bush and the neo-con cabal wanted to invade Iraq to steal their oil. That’s just laughable. Today the real reason for the invasion was leaked — baseball franchises.

[source, source]

Yasser Abdel Hussein tugs his cap and unwinds with the smooth sidearm delivery that’s made him the ace of the pitching staff. He looks like a prospect.

At home plate, however, Mohammed Khaled seems like he’s still on chilly terms with his bat as he crouches, resplendent in a red (yes, red) New York Yankees hat, FUBU muscle shirt and tight bicycle shorts.

“It’s a game of speed and concentration,” Khaled says after widely missing most of Abdel Hussein’s pitches. He connected just twice, and then only by abandoning all technique and swinging one-handed.

The 20 young men gathered on a patchy grass field behind Baghdad University’s College of Sports Education may not look like much now. But organizers of Iraq’s fledgling national baseball team have high hopes.

Yeah, the oil money will stay with Iraq but the national baseball franchise? I’m sure Halliburton already has that locked up.

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