12 October 2004

That sort shouldn't be elected in the first place


On October 5th, according to news reports, witnesses, police reports and admissions of your members, the AFL-CIO, as part of a national strategy, protested at more than a dozen of our campaign and party headquarters across the country. In many locations, the protestors attempted to enter, or entered, campaign or party facilities. As one protestor said, “Actually, we’re storming into an office.” In Orlando, Florida, injuries and damage were sustained. Protestors forced their way into the facility, fracturing the arm of one staffer, and vandalized the office. In Michigan, protestors entered a headquarters and engaged in activities apparently intended to disrupt volunteers trying to make phone calls.

Marc Racicot, Bush-Cheney Campaign Chairman

We all know what would be headlining from coast to coast had any Democratic Party campaign offices been trashed.

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