29 March 2004

Oh Canada!

[source, source]

Corrections Canada won’t let guards at maximum security prisons wear stab-proof vests because it sends a confrontational “signal” to prisoners. “If you have that kind of presence symbolized by (a stab-proof vest), you’re sending a signal to the prisoner that you consider him to be a dangerous person,” said Tim Krause.

Did the people who run Canada ever move on from student government in high school?

Posted by orbital at 4:08 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

Reaping what you have sown


a UNC-Chapel Hill English instructor who slammed a student—publicly, unrelentingly, by name, in writing—for expressing views she found distasteful. Class discussion had roamed onto the subject of how gay and straight men relate to one another, and one student reportedly said that his Christian beliefs led him to disapprove of homosexuality. He related the story of a friend who had found another man’s sexual advances “disgusting.” Shortly afterward, the instructor, Elyse Crystall, sent an email to the course listserv condemning the student’s comments as “violent” examples of “hate speech” and announcing that she would not tolerate more such speech in her classroom. She wrote that he was a “white, heterosexual, Christian male” who thinks he is “entitled to make violent, heterosexist comments and not feel marked or threatened or vulnerable.”

Note that the student was truthfully expressing a personal opinion. There is no claim that the student actually threatened anyone in any way. I suppose the next time I tell someone that my culinary beliefs lead me to disapprove of mushrooms on a pizza and that seeing some one eat them is disgusting, I’ll be busted for “violent” comments.

But it gets better:

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights is now investigating the incident as a possible instance of—you guessed it—sexual harassment.

As David Bernstein notes,

the fact that radical feminists and criticical race theorists living in a society that has long been, and continues to be, hostile to their ideology would want to weaken the principle that government may not suppress expression because of hostility to its viewpoint seems counterintuitive and shortsighted, to say the least.

Oh, but such laws and regulations aren’t meant to apply to them!

Posted by orbital at 4:04 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

The heat goes on

The UN / Ba’ath Oil For Food scandal investigation is slowly gaining momentum. William Safire [source]

Never has there been a financial rip-off of the magnitude of the U.N. oil-for-food scandal.

Over in Iraq, the Coalition is planning to actively search for and investigate documents [source] related to the program.

Is this why the UN opposed the invasion?

Posted by orbital at 12:07 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL