14 March 2004

What I meant to vote was...

[source, source]

”I’m pretty tough on Castro, because I think he’s running one of the last vestiges of a Stalinist secret police government in the world,” Kerry told WPLG-ABC 10 reporter Michael Putney in an interview to be aired at 11:30 this morning.

Then, reaching back eight years to one of the more significant efforts to toughen sanctions on the communist island, Kerry volunteered: “And I voted for the Helms-Burton legislation to be tough on companies that deal with him.” […]

There is only one problem: Kerry voted against it.

Why let little details like that get in the way of a good soundbite?

Posted by orbital at 9:59 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

Spanish voters see link between Al Qaeda, Iraq

[source, source]

In a stunning political upset, voters chose to give power to the opposition Socialist Party, whose leader, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, has promised to immediately withdraw Spain’s 1,300 troops from Iraq, orient Spain’s foreign policy away from the United States and restore good relations with anti-war European allies, France and Germany.


“The terrorists have killed 200 people and defeated the government — they have achieved all their objectives,” said Gustavo de Arustegui, a PP member of parliament and foreign policy spokesman for the government. “I think the terrorist attacks were politically planned,” he said. “We have transformed terrorists into political actors with this.”

Battered electorate syndrome?

Posted by orbital at 9:24 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

I knew it was something in the water in California!

[source, source, source]

ALISO VIEJO, Calif. (AP) - City officials were so concerned about the potentially dangerous properties of dihydrogen monoxide that they considered banning foam cups after they learned the chemical was used in their production. […]

“It’s embarrassing,” said City Manager David J. Norman. “We had a paralegal who did bad research.”

Uh, yeah. If my junior staffer comes to me and tells me “We shouldn’t switch to Java because some of our staff drink tea” and I pass it on to management, it would hardly suffice to claim that the staffer did bad research.

Posted by orbital at 8:43 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL