16 February 2004

Oh Canada!

[source, source]

Nearly $2 billion has either been spent on or committed to the federal program since it was introduced in the mid-1990s, according to documents obtained by Zone Libre of CBC’s French news service.

The figure is roughly twice as much as an official government estimate that caused an uproar across the country.

The gun registry was originally supposed to cost less than $2 million. [emphasis added]


A large part of the $2 billion expense is a computer system that’s supposed to track registered guns, according to one document. Officials initially estimated it would cost about $1 million. Expenses now hover close to $750 million and the electronic system is still not fully operational.

OK, I’m quitting my job and starting a computer services consulting service for the Canadian government. You don’t need much of that kind of cost overrun to retire.

See also.

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