29 June 2003

How to get ahead without being a refugee

Proponents of the "right of return" for Palestinian "refugees" demonstrate their judenhass historical blindness by ignore the other side of the population flows after the 1948 war:[source, source]
Newly discovered documents show Arab states orchestrated the persecution of their Jewish citizens after the creation of Israel, then kept more than US$1-billion in property belonging to the 850,000 who left, Canadian experts said yesterday.[…]

For example, in 1947, pogroms in Syria drove 7,000 of the 10,000 Jewish residents of Aleppo from their homes. In Iraq, "Zionism" became a capital crime, while bombs in the Jewish quarter of Cairo killed 70 Jews.

After Algeria gained independence from France, it "issued a variety of anti-Jewish decrees prompting nearly all of the 160,000 Jews to leave the country." In Aden and Yemen, at least 82 Jews died in pogroms.[…]

David Matas, a Winnipeg lawyer and one of the report's authors, agreed descendants of many of the displaced Jews had prospered elsewhere despite losing the equivalent of US$1-billion.

Gosh, I wonder why those Jews prospered while the Palestinians rotted? Lack of UN refugee status? (Further commentary)
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