05 June 2003

THIS JUST IN: Palestinians want Islam as official religion

Christian leaders in the Holy Land have called on the Palestinian Authority not to make Islam the official religion of a future independent Palestinian state. Gosh, that was unexpected. I thought that the local Christian leaders wouldn't begrudge the oppressed a small pecadillo like that. But apparently they're serious:
[The Anglican bishop in Jerusalem, Riah Abu Al-Assal] said he would also be discussing the issue with Palestinian Foreign Minister Nabil Shaath, who headed the committee that produced the draft constitution. "There is a way out of this. I know that the majority are Muslims in Palestine but it did not mean that Islam [should] be the religion of Palestine. Palestine needs to be the most democratic state in the Middle East, I hope and pray."
Ok, he's basing it on the democratic nature of a future Palestinian state. I was wrong, he's just not serious. [source]
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