19 May 2003

BBC Bias Watch

Instantman has articles on a claim by the BBC that the Pfc. Lynch rescue in Iraq was faked. The BBC apparently simply didn't do any actual fact checking on the story. Another post has a great quote:
Just look at the fact that the BBC recruits entirely from advertisements in the Guardian
Woops, what was I thinking? Clearly there's no bias there. More updates from Instantman about how the main witness for the BBC could end up with war crime charges if the standard story about Lynch is true (but not being an American, he's guaranteed objective and trustworthy).
Posted by orbital at 6:23 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

FBI runs over suspect

The FBI has been conducting surveillance on Steven Hatfill, someone accused but never formally charged with involvement in the anthrax attacks in the US. Yesterday FBI agents ran over his foot with a car. Hatfill was issued a ticket for "walking to create a hazard". It's an open question of who is more lame, Hatfill with his bruised foot or the FBI with their bruised appearance. [source]
Posted by orbital at 1:44 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

Americans are so cruel

The poor Dixie Chicks, suffering from people disagreeing them. Now, in Iraq, that kind of torture isn't done – instead singers who offend the political consensus are shot dead. [source]
Posted by orbital at 7:15 AM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL