15 May 2003

NY Times hypocrisy watch

“[T]he move to hold top managers personally liable for any misrepresentations made to investors – which the new corporate oversight legislation also does – is a watershed worth celebrati…C.E.O’s will no longer be able to feign ignorance about the details of the companies’ accounting, as Jeffrey Skilling haughtily did early this year at a Congressional hearing on Enron’s implosion.”

The New York Times, editorial, "Downsizing the Imperial C.E.O.," August 9, 2002

"But Mr. Sulzberger emphasized that as The New York Times continues to examine how its employees and readers were betrayed, there will be no newsroom search for scapegoats. ‘The person who did this is Jayson Blair,’ he said. ‘Let’s not begin to demonize our executives – either the desk editors or the executive editor or, dare I say, the publisher.’"

The New York Times, news article, "Times Reporter Who Resigned Leaves Long Trail of Deception," May 11, 2003

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