11 April 2003

Palestinians confront another burning bridge

Nabeel Musawi, one of the main members of the INC enaged in the following exchange:
Will the Palestinians be welcome to remain in a new, post-Saddam Iraq?

“Absolutely not,” Musawi snapped.

Posted by orbital at 5:43 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

Journalist ethics

A while back The New Republic published an article about American Media accepting censorship and propaganda in order to have a presence in Baghdad. It was roundly condemned by those it criticized. It turns out that the article was too mild. The chief news executive of CNN admits that he deliberately covered up crimes against people affiliated with CNN and plots against US allies in order to be able to report from Baghdad. [source]
Posted by orbital at 1:22 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL