28 March 2003

India goes pacifist

The Prime Minister of India says that “India believed war was not a solution to any problem”. I am sure that the Chiefs of Staff in Pakistan and China were overjoyed to hear that. [source]
Posted by orbital at 7:58 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

Letting France help in post-invasion Iraq

Call me contrarian but I don't object so much to allowing France to occupy part of Iraq - say, Tikrit. One lesson from postwar Germany is that few things make people appreciate America more than being occupied by the French.
    – The Wax Tadpole
Posted by orbital at 8:21 AM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

America vs. the EU

As Mark Steyn says,
Indeed, given the way Mr Patten’s ‘smart development assistance’ to Yasser Arafat appears to have wound up funding the intifada, America’s smart bombs now cause fewer deaths than the EU development budget.
Posted by orbital at 7:28 AM | View 1 TrackBacks | Trackback URL