24 February 2003

Maine teachers accused of harassing children of soldiers

The Maine National Guard is claiming that teachers are telling children of soldiers who have been deployed to the Middle East that their missing parents are bad people. A video clip from the local newstation has the story. [source, source]
Posted by orbital at 4:37 PM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

Canadian military college afraid to play hockey

From the National Post [source]
The Royal Military College of Canada has dropped out of a historic hockey game for fear that its officer cadets might be injured during the no-contact match, college officials said yesterday. [...] Ms. Thibault [RMC athletic director] said "But there's a safety rule we have to follow.... It's a risk we're not prepared to take."
Posted by orbital at 11:09 AM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL

Susan Sontag argues for the liberation of Iraq

A powerful article that slams moral equivalence between war and internal repression. [source]
Posted by orbital at 10:38 AM | View 0 TrackBacks | Trackback URL